Michigan Mortgage Solutions

Find The Best Construction Loan For Your Needs! Get Your FHA 203K Loan Approved FAST!

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This is simple! Will you be buying a home or refinancing a home you already own.

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This will help our local 203K loan experts begin your FREE customized quote.

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Our team is on stand by waiting to walk you through our 5-Star Reno Loan process.

Buy a home with the 203K Rehab Loan

Finance The Home & Reno Costs With Just 3.5% Down!

The FHA 203K Loan gives home buyers the opportunity to purchase a home and finance the renovations and repairs with a very low down payment. This incredibly affordable program allows first time buyers the ability to finance a home that requires repairs or renovations to suit the buyers needs.

Home Renovation with the FHA 203K Loan

Find a Fixer Upper & Make It Your Own

The 203K Rehab Loan allows for multiple different repairs ranging from roofing, flooring, energy-efficiency, kitchens, bathrooms and most other changes that can improve or modernize the home.

Kitchen Renovation with the 203K Rehab Loan

Pick Your Own Finishes Just Like Building a New Home!

The borrower gets to pick their finishes and truly make their new house a home. From flooring to kitchen cabinets to the colors of the walls, the FHA 203K program can be the perfect program for those looking for a “new build” feel without a “new build” budget.

Michigan Mortgage Specialists

Perfection, No Exceptions

Each borrower is unique and there is no “one-size fits all” mortgage program especially when it comes to renovation financing. We offer all government programs. Our goal is to help you find the best options for your personal situation with no cost while providing a smooth 5 Star mortgage experience.

Buy a home with the 203K Rehab Loan

Find a Fixer Upper & Make It Your Own

The 203K Rehab Loan allows for multiple different repairs ranging from roofing, flooring, energy-efficiency, kitchens, bathrooms and most other changes that can improve or modernize the home.

Kitchen Renovation with the 203K Rehab Loan

Perfection, No Exceptions

Each borrower is unique and there is no “one-size fits all” mortgage program especially when it comes to renovation financing. We offer all government programs. Our goal is to help you find the best options for your personal situation with no cost while providing a smooth 5 Star mortgage experience.

Finance The Home & Reno Costs With Just 3.5% Down!

The FHA 203K Loan gives home buyers the opportunity to purchase a home and finance the renovations and repairs with a very low down payment. This incredibly affordable program allows first time buyers the ability to finance a home that requires repairs or renovations to suit the buyers needs.

Home Renovation with the FHA 203K Loan

Pick Your Own Finishes Just Like Building a New Home!

The borrower gets to pick their finishes and truly make their new house a home. From flooring to kitchen cabinets to the colors of the walls, the FHA 203K program can be the perfect program for those looking for a “new build” feel without a “new build” budget.

Michigan Mortgage Specialists

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